
To promote improved access to economic, social and cultural opportunities and resources for low income individuals and their families with special emphasis on the Hispanic population.



PRUP's key organizational programs are:

Case Management, Camden Empowerment Center (Employment Support Services), Proyecto Salud (Health Initiative), Senior Empowerment, and the After School Youth Program offered through PRUP's Youth Resource Center.


The primary focus of Case Management is to assist the low-income Camden City community and empower them to become self-sufficient and independent members of society (particularly the Hispanic population). PRUP assists in empowering families through employment placement, educational training, securing adequate and affordable housing; and acquiring affordable healthcare. PRUP coordinates and links clients to other service providers such as: energy and water/sewer assistance, rehabilitation loans, and legal services. Translation services are provided to those clients who lack English proficiency.


PRUP's CEC assist low to moderate income families to achieve financial stability and move up the economic ladder: Workforce Development, Wealth Building (Financial Literacy/Coaching), and Access to Income Supports/Public Benefits. Workforce Development and Financial Literacy workshop are held on a weekly basis throughout Camden County and employment fairs are held on a quarterly basis for county residents.


Assists women over 40 years of age, who do not have medical insurance, in getting free mammograms and clinical breast exams (CBE's); provides health education and disease prevention programs and improve health literacy skills to Latino immigrants and their families residing within Camden County. Low income families are assisted in accessing blood pressure checks, asthma, diabetes, breast cancer, and cervical cancer screenings through PRUP's partnering organizations.


The program assists low income seniors 60years of age and older in becoming socially and independent active citizens in the community. Seniors are provided with information and referrals to services available to them through a Spanish speaking bilingual and bi-cultural model based on outreach, workshops, and direct services. The staff assists in understanding documents, employment search and referrals, entitlement assistance, access to health related services, and by providing workshops on health, Medicare, Nutrition, and other related topics impacting seniors. PRUP provides a social setting that allows for networking and discuss life issues.


The Youth Program was designed and implemented by PRUP to assist at risk Camden County Youth, ages 9-21, at the various Family Success Centers throughout Camden County, as well as, through PRUP's afterschool program which operates three days a week throughout the school year, which serves Camden City youths. The primary focus of the Youth program is to reinforce the student's education through tutoring while providing them with educational and skill building workshops such as Job readiness, Computer Literacy, Health, Nutrition, & Exercise, and Drug/Violence Prevention. The comprehensive program model provides services that ensure: assessment of academic and service needs; age-appropriate strategies; post-secondary education prep; links between academic and occupational learning; and preparation for employment.